We're helping birds in Northeast Wisconsin & beyond. Become a member today!
We're helping birds in Northeast Wisconsin & beyond. Become a member today!
Each year we host a lecture series in cooperation with the Bay Area Bird Club out of Green Bay, Wisconsin. On the third Thursday of each month from September - November and January - March, our clubs trade off hosting a presenter on bird or conservation-related topics. Find out about upcoming lectures on our events page.
Throughout the year, NEW Bird Alliance hosts or participates in several events to increase awareness for bird conservation in our community. Our annual banquet in April brings in interesting presenters form all over Wisconsin speaking on various bird-related topics. Keep a lookout for upcoming activities on our events page.
In 2018, NEW Bird Alliance worked with Green Bay Mayor Jim Schmitt who signed a Year-of-the-Bird Proclamation celebrating the 100th Anniversary of the Migratory Bird Treaty Act! NEW Bird Alliance is also a member of the Brown County Conservation Alliance, an organization that works to coordinate and advance conservation support and projects within Brown County, Wisconsin.
In Spring 2019, NEW Bird Alliance's Tara Hohman and Jade Arneson, with three UW-Green Bay Bird Club students, met with Senators Tammy Baldwin and Ron Johnson’s staff in Washington D.C. to advocate for the protection of forage fish, which seabirds and other waterbirds rely on.
We've also met with Congressman Mike Gallagher and others on topics such as climate-threatened birds, their support of GLRI funding, and sponsorship of legislation like the Market Choice Act.
The Wisconsin Breeding Bird Atlas II (WBBA II) has successfully completed five years (2015-2019) of statewide breeding bird data collection, with more than 2,000 atlasers completing all 1,283 priority and specialty blocks throughout the state! This is an incredible accomplishment, one of the largest community-based science achievements of all time anywhere. NEW Bird Alliance is proud to have surveyed the Oconto Falls South CE priority block, detecting 88 species and confirming breeding for 43 species. Highlights included confirmed breeding for Red-shouldered Hawk, Great Horned Owl, and Golden-winged Warbler and detections of American Bittern, Canada Warbler, and Northern Waterthrush. The club also donated $3,850 toward the project, which went toward key technician hires in open blocks and data processing.
NEW Bird Alliance is the parent Chapter for the UW-Green Bay Bird Club at the University of Wisconsin-Green Bay. The UWGB Bird Club was the first student conservation chapter of the National Audubon Society in the nation! NEW Bird Alliance has provided them with financial assistance, and currently has three members of the student organization that sit on our board. In recent years we have financially and/or administratively supported several other bird conservation projects, including Project SOAR (Snowy Owl Airport Rescue), Tracking the Phantoms - a Red-Shouldered Hawk Telemetry Study, the building of Prothonotary Warbler nest boxes at the Bay Beach Wildlife Sanctuary, and more. We are also the fiscal manager for Green Bay's Bird City Wisconsin program.